Date and Time Works on create but on edit does not allow time update

I tried to search on “dates - time not able to update on edit” etc to see if this is already been the subject of a “help please” but I could not find any similar posts.

I am using date with a date picker on a row.
The date field type is defined as date and time - medium format - see image for settings.
When I am creating a new row, the date picker pops up and allows a date and time to be chosen and saved. Happy Days!!

On EDIT if the date is edited, the date picker pops up but there is no time adjustment on the picker - If no change is made to the date from what was entered via the create action, the date is saved unchanged (correctly) on edit - with date and time unchanged from what it was when the record was created. Correct functionality if no change needed to date and/or time.

HOWEVER, if you want to edit the record and alter the original date and/or time, and the date is selected in the picker, the date can be updated to a different date but there is no way to update the time to a different required time.
When the notes row is written after a change has been made to the date on edit, the date can be changed …but there is NO configuration panel on the “on edit” date picker, to enable the changing of the time. What happens is when the date is changed, the time written to the table for the edited date records is 12 am .

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Se screenshots to provide a reference to the narrative above

Date is defined in table as being Date and Time

Showing correct behaviour of date picker ON CREATE


Showing result after trying to edit the date record (Note it allows date to be altered but no ability to update time and it is written with the value of 12:00am

And here is the result after adjusting the date via the date picker on edit and changing the date to the 13th December - the date is correctly updated but the time is recorded as 12:00am

Can you take a screenshot of the time column when in edit mode?

Here you go - screen shot as requested in the original post above

Can you maybe try changing the format to just date instead of time and making a second “date and time” column? You could combine them on the details page and have two pickers: one for time and one for date.

Would that work for you?

Are you using a date picker or a date/time picker?

I belive it’s a date and time picker

Can you verify that in your list of components on the screen? Based on your explanation, I would have to think that you are just using the Date Picker.

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Hi @Jeff_Hager
Is there a way of choosing the functionality of a date picker in a place other than in the data field definition?
I thought the first screen shot in my post shows the status of the field to be a combined date and time field…Is there another configuration setting for the date field in the component list section that I need to be setting?
I looked but could not see any way of changing the date picker there…I may have missed something?

It has nothing to do with your column configuration. There are two different types of date picker components. One that includes time and one that does not. Make sure you are using the correct picker.


Thank you @Jeff_Hager - Issue solved by you drawing attention to the fact that I was using a DATE picker - not a Date and TIME picker on the edit screen -
Replaced the date component in the edit screen with a date and time component and PRESTO - Issue solved!

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