Data from template column not passing to Make via webhook

When sending some strings formatted as JSON objects to Make (I’ll parse them there), I have one string that passes through without a problem and another very similar one that just arrives empty (square brackets only).

The first one (JSON Object Sent) is empty, while the second one (JSON_Sizes Object) is complete

This the data for the one that’s not arriving. It’s from a template column that uses data from a joined list.

And this is the data from the one that is actually arriving. Just as the last one, it’s from a template column that uses data from a joined list.

Is there something I’m missing? Why would one arrive without problems while the other doesn’t? I’d appreciate any help with this. Thanks!

I found a solution: I was missing a “wait for condition” action in my custom action flow in order to make sure the data existed prior to sending it via webhook to Make. Now it works as intended.


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