Custom Collections on mobile screen

Custom Collection Issues on mobile device
I have 2 exactly same tabs… based on the same relation.
one has a cards collection
the other has a custom collection layout grid (with only an image / title)
both have the same page size.
Any idea why on a mobile device, the custom collection is very hard to scroll through, the cards seem to disappear and appear back… sometimes the scroll down/up is stuck ?
could it be some issues related to default css on the custom-collection (hover) that cause issues on non hover devices.
or is it the way the cards are loaded on the screen…
any advice would be appreciated… currently it seems very hard to use a custom collection to display a nice cards layout on a mobile device.

Also if you scroll down very fast… the entire screen just turns white for long whilte.

What is the page size? Does it help if you limit the page size on the custom collection?

its quite small. 12 cards. 3 x 4

The thing is there is a clear difference of how the page is loading with the normal cards and the custom collection. and there is a clear issue with the scrolling action, which could be caused by the hover effects that don’t work on non hover devices.

I have tried to update the css to remove all hover effects… i will try to remove from inner div’s as well.