Custom cart button even without payment function


Is there a tutorial or way I can build a button that adds items to a cart even if I will not have Stripe just to add the items into a cart would be helpful been struggling for a month lol

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Pm me I’ll send you a copy.

Hey @Wiz.Wazeer can I have a copy of this tutorial as well. I have a cart with stripe. I pulled the app sales info with a import formula and create a template with current user email, sku and date on the cart sheet and another one with the same info on the payment sheet. Then I created a relation in order to show both the product and payment button if relation is not empty. It works well. However, if the same customer comes back hours later and buys another product, this second product does not appear on the cart tab but it’s marked as paid.

Another problem I’m having is that if the customer buys several product, stripe only shows one. I, however, managed to get it to calculate all the products in the purchased which allows Stripe to show the total price.



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I’ve just posted it under showcase. So make as many copies as you like and share with as many friends as you like :blush:


Thanks man!

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THANK YOU SO MUCH TO @Wiz.Wazeer for helping me make my APP like so PROFESSIONAL and not even charging me but helping me from a GOLDEN PLACE

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Can I have copy of this tutorial as well

@Wiz.Wazeer Please can you send me a copy of the custom Cart and if you have the tutorial i will even be happier more. Thank you

Please send me a copy.

Hello, Can i have a copy i’m a newbie