Creation of ChatBot

Hi everyone! I´m on the project of building a ChatBot for one of my team apps so I wanted to ask if anyone has built a ChatBot in Glide or in other case if someone has built a ChatBot in another page, which one do you reccomend that have direct integration to Glide?

If anyone can give some advice it will be really helpful! :grinning:

When you say “integration”, what do you expect the bot to do?

Hi! Sorry, my English is not the best. With integration I mean that I expect that my Bot uses the information contained in one of the tables of my app. For example if the Bot is asked about something related to the app, the response is based on the information that´s in the app.


Please check this action in the OpenAI dropdown of actions, I think that’s closest to what you would want.

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Thank you so much for the help!

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