However I’m trying to create Template Text using the values?
Here is the scenario:
I’m building a Gallery with a PhotoGrapher and Location
When you publish to Gallery, it populates “Photographer ID” with your Photographer ID
I then build a relational Column "Ref Photos Ids"that Matched the Value
A relation creates a link to an entire row, or set of rows. If you need a specific column from that row, then you also need a lookup column that will return a specific column from that relation.
Because as Jeff pointed out, a relation just establishes a link to one or more rows. It doesn’t actually contain any values.
If you want to subsequently use a value from one of the linked rows, then you need to fetch that value using a lookup column.
Note: the above advice assumes that your relation is a single relation.
Looks like your relation is a multiple relation.
It needs to be a Single Relation
Check to see if you have the “Match Multiple” box checked…if so, uncheck it.