Create a Menu Table Request


I am creating a Restaurant Digita Menu and so far everything is going great. The only issue I have is I am not able to create the table request of a customer. I created 10 tables and I want to create a way to take the requests of the customers. Without any payment integration. I have a spreadsheet called tables ( numbered 1 to 10 ) and when a customer makes a request the table will be populated with the customer food request. Do you think this is possible to do and what will be the best way?


Do you have any screenshots of what your app looks like so far and your tables sheet? I’m not quite picturing what you want, but you should be able to use a form button an choice components to possibly achieve what you want.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks very much for your reply. That´s what I am doing right now. Create a button form and start to make my experiences with that.

Best Regards and thanks for stopping by.
Joao Coelho

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I just play around with the app and created the first food request of a customer. The app inserts all values I want in the spreadsheet and I was happy with that. Then I delete the row in the spreadsheet and since then no food request is added into the spreadsheet. Do you knw what can cause this?



Found the issue. When I add the arrayformula every new food request goes to the end of the spreadsheet. Since I have 1000 lines they are placed at the very bottom. Delete all rows and now it´s ok.