Create a Custom “My Schedule” View from Multiple Tables

I’m trying to create a filtered Schedule from a table with another table nested within it.

I’m struggling with compiling both tables into a single list for a “My Schedule” view.

Here is a general description of what my structure is:

  • Primary schedule (Schedule table) - I have Seminar Session 1, Seminar Session 2, etc. (each session contains 12 seminar options)
  • Specific seminars (Seminar table) - a secondary list nested inside of the Seminar Session 1 detail view
  • Both tables have the same columns
  • The “My Schedule” view filters a list based on a User Specific Boolean column from the Schedule table.

Is there a way, maybe through a relation between the tables, to display a filtered list showing the schedule events from both tables in the same list?

Hi Clifton

What you describe is most certainly possible. I can’t quite see why you have two separate tables for the seminars. Maybe I’m missing something.

If you can get all the seminars into one table it would make it a little easier.

Perfect use case for Glide though.

What are the fields in your main schedule?

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What you describe is most certainly possible. I can’t quite see why you have two separate tables for the seminars. Maybe I’m missing something.

There are 12 seminars that happen in the same time slot, i.e. 1:30 - 3:00 and I don’t want the main schedule cluttered by tons of individual seminars. So instead, on the main schedule I have “Seminar Session 1” and then inside of that I have a button to show a new screen that shows each individual seminar.

I realized I was overthinking it yesterday though. I can still have them all in the same table and use filtering to filter out/only show the seminars based on a Session Type field.

Thanks for helping me process through it!

Sometimes just saying it out loud or typing it can help!

Glad you’re sorted

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I have it setup almost how I want now. I’m struggling with the final piece.

I would like to filter down the list of seminars more than they are.

Here’s more context for the setup:

  • 4 primary Calendar time slots
  • 12 Seminar calendar events per time slot
    i.e. Seminar Session 1: 1-2 pm (12 seminar options during this time slot)

Current functionality:

  1. User taps “Seminar Session 1” in primary schedule (show detail screen action)
  2. User taps “See All Seminars” button (show new screen (Schedule table) action)
  3. All 48 seminars are displayed, grouped by start date/time

Desired functionality:

  1. Same as above
  2. Same as above
  3. Only the 12 seminars in the Session 1 time slot are displayed (the other 36 are filtered out)

Current filtering:

  • Using a “Type” column in the schedule table
  • Type = “Seminar” is filtered out of primary Schedule table view
  • Type = “Seminar” is filtered to be the only schedule item in the “new screen” Schedule table view

The only way I can currently think to accomplish this is by triggering an action upon button press of “See All Seminars” that sets a User Specific column to the date/time of the session that is currently being viewed, then add a filter to the list using that USC. This would incur a costly number of updates though. I feel like I’m missing a much simpler solution, but I can’t think of how else to accomplish it.

Instead of a filter, I would create a self relation or query linking the seminar to it’s related sessions. Then display the sessions using the relation as the source.


Thanks Jeff, that’s what I needed.

I added a column called “Seminar Session Title”, then for the first set of 12 put in Seminars Session 1, the second set Seminars Session 2 and so on. Then I made a multiple relation where Session Title matches Seminar Session Title. I used that relation as the data source for my secondary list.

I still need to learn more about the Query column. I’ve been too busy rebuilding my app in the current version and have only been doing things the way I already know. I need to spend some time after the holidays learning about some of the newer column types.


Glad you got it working. This community (and people like Jeff, Darren, Bob) are a fantastic resource.

The query column is quite simple - but hugely powerful. Even Airtable doesn’t have anything similar. Best bit is the “this row” selection so you can filter / query against data on that actual row.

Take a look and have a play!


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