Copy All objects from App to Pages

Hi all,

I want to provide to my clients a Glige Page complementing its actual Glide App, but I don’t see any way to copy or replicate any from one environment to other.
All screens, fields, local tables must to be rebuilded step by step?

I think this scenary are very common, an app for mobiles and a page for pc, working against the same database and many same forms and screen

Can anyone tell me I there are a way to work with app and pages efficiently?

Best regards
Juan Pascuet / Arg

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Yes, this is the case.

There are a lot of different things in components and layouts between Apps and Pages, so you can’t just copy them over.

Actually you can’t also copy components from an App to another App, or a Page to another Page, I believe.

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I rebuilt the website on Pages after I built the App.

App →
Page →


I thought this was possible when you keep two separates tabs open together and copy and paste it.

no this is not possible yet but definitely something we want to do in future.


I have done it before. It is quite possible but sometimes it does not work as consistent…

As Jack said, I don’t think that is intended to be possible. There was a period of time after the copy feature launch that it did work, but since then I don’t think it ever worked for me.

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Glide Tables can be shared across Apps and Pages, so here you are set.

Builder components
Just last week with a client we had two versions of their project (Pages), and we could copy-paste all components from one Pages project to the other. I am now curious to test this across Pages <> Apps projects, but according to Thinh Dinh and Jack this will not work (yet).


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