Converting Legacy to Glide app - paid job

Hello no code friends,

I have an app build with glide app(legacy) that i need absolutely in glide app new (pages).

Is there a service to convert it?

If not, im ready to pay someone for this job.

I guess this person would need to be good at understanding complex interconnected computed columns and maybe the end goal of the UI/UX to rebuild it in a smarter/more beautiful way eventually.

I would be very available via WhatsApp to move forward fast in case of questions.

Thanks in advance


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Thanks Nathanael!

But i do, several already… :partying_face:
Let’s see.

Have a nice day


Maybe you know how i should give access to the contractor so he can access my app to convert it?

  • I don’t want to leak users datas…
  • i dont want him to edit or see my other apps

If i give the access to my team i think it’s a big risk.
Can i give editor access to only one app? ( a duplicate of the app, with emptied user table)


You can’t pick and choose apps within a team. If you add an editor to your team, then they can access everything in that team.

Either move your app to is own team folder and/or make the contractor sign an NDA.


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