Confused newbie - How do I get the choices in a form to write to the correct user's row?

1min46second video explaining where I am stuck!


Add the current user’s email as a special value in your form, then it will include the user’s email with the submission.

Then you create a relation from your user profile table to the results of this form.


Hi Deena (again, how many times already lol).

A “submit” button will always record a new row. So you have to structure your data the right way you want it to look.

I see you want to record the choices to the “Choices” sheet, you don’t have to have the email in there before the users submit it.

Instead, scroll down a bit in the form components, you will see a “Special value” that says “Current user’s email”, record it to the email column and there you go.


I want to add this in, in case you face this trouble in the future.

If you have set up a user profiles settings, the app will add new email entries as new rows to that sheet, so never set up a form for a user profile.

For user profiles, have a “Profiles” tab, filter email is signed-in user and allow the edit option. Let people edit their profiles there instead of a “Make a new profile” button which will make the email duplicate.

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And duh - I have been using those special values all the time so I it’s silly that I missed it here! Thank you!

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Haha, do you not sleep? Thank you for always helping me - truly. You must be planted in here to help new people who are going to give up without all this help! haha :-)))

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It’s 8am here, greetings from Vietnam :smile:

Have made it a habit for me to check and reply to posts I can contribute every morning for the past 2 months or so. It’s been fun and additive doing this, of course it enhances my skills as well :wink:


Well, since it’s early your time and I am refusing to turn the computer off til I finish the choice - I’m back with another video. I did take the steps of inserting the unique identifer - email and creating the relation link from USER Profile to the CHOICE sheet but still no good. :frowning: Thoughts?

It’s not the unique identifier, it should be the “current user’s email”.

It will write the email of the signed in user to the email column. Then you can make the relation with the email column in the User Profiles sheet.

Yes, that is what I meant - sorry about that. I do have it set up that way…

It’s the 3rd one not the 2nd one.


Here’s one of my forms where I get all 3.


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Okay, I don’t know how I keep confusing those two! I did and it worked! Thank you!

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