I’ve below data in google sheet:
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D
text A | text b | text C | RESULT HERE
Now I want to read the different text values (statements) in each of the columns, concatenate all the text while formatting at the same time, and display the result in Column D.
The formatted result should look like below:
Text A in bold
- Text B in bold in next line and indented once (one level)
- Text C not in bold and indented twice (two levels)
something like
Text A.
- Text B (first level indentation must be here)
- Text C (second level indentation)
Unfortunately, I’m stuck when I use ARAYFORMULA in the sheet column D, the result accepts line break and bold … but is ignoring indentations or may be I’m not providing indentations at the right place.
Below is the formula I am using in Column D:
=ARRAYFORMULA(“{b}”& A2 & “{/b}” & “{br} {b} -” & B2 & “{/b} {Br} --” & C2)
Obviously, I used < instead of { and I used > instead of } in the above formula.
Someone, please help me … I’m stuck here for 2 days …
I’m open to achieve this either by using array formula in google sheet or any alternate within glide app.
thank you