Team ID: qtZ1asZBpzDVxNNaKSld
App ID: oKN6hMp7AhFHyvIDQxpk
- All computed columns in my data are stuck at loading. This started happening yesterday and this is still the case. Refreshing or clearing cache did not help either.
Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks a lot in advance.
It seems like this was caused by a few extra rows I added in a table where not all the fields had values in it. I’ve deleted them now and the problem was fixed.
Is this a Big Table or a Glide Table?
What types of computed columns?
It happened with all types of computed columns, from simple template and relation ones to JavaScript. As soon as I removed the additional rows I was experimenting with, the problem disappeared. However, it’s strange that a few extra rows with missing values would cause this issue across the board.
Occasionally I have seen bad javascript crash all other code running on the entire page and require a full page refresh.
I suspect that since you have some javascript columns, maybe they are causing the issue due to the empty inputs.
If this happens to me, I’ll usually add some error handling to deal with javascript code that might crash due to bad input data. The quickest and easiest way is to add a try/catch into the code to catch any and all errors and bow out gracefully.