Complete chat (with history) Problem:

Hello Gliders,

I tried to integrate the new chat gpt api but every time I run the chat it shows this error.

Your message history table must have “Role”, “Content”, “Session ID”, and “Timestamp” columns

I have all the relevant columns, what can I do?

Thanks in advance

Can you show us some screenshots?

Also, is the Timestamp column set up as date/time?

I’m also seeing issues. My App was working fine but I hadn’t used it in a while. I went back to test an AI complete chat feature and it now returns an error. It seems to be related to how it handles the image. It constantly throws up an error that it was expecting a URL in a specific format.

This was ChatGPT’s diagnosis:

The error message, “Invalid image URL: … Expected a base64-encoded data URL,” indicates that the AI model you are using expects the image to be passed as a base64-encoded string or a valid URL, but the app may be sending the image in an unsupported format or URL structure.

It’s noteworthy that the app flagged that I was using an old version of the AI integration. Hence I deleted the integration and added again the AI integration. I tried different model options including leaving it blank but nothing worked.

Also noteworthy is that other apps using my AI complete chat feature works ok (although they don’t use an image).