The action 'Complete Chat' doesn't take the pictures into account

In an action after submission of a form, I have a prompt to Chatgpt ‘Complete Chat’, I added a Picture (url) to the prompt (see screenshot) but Chatgpt doesn’t take it into account. I know because I added in the prompt to confirm whether he could read the picture. How is it possible to make the prompt work with a picture as input? I tried wit pictures and url to pictures, but nothing works. Thanks beforehand for your help

I’m curious if you add a “Complete Chat” column on the destination table with the same setup of prompt, message and image, does it work?

Hello, thand for you reaction. it’s just my first week using glide. I don’t really catch what you mean with adding “complete chat” in a column. I do have a column with the prompt. And complete chat is a call to chatgpt.
What kind of formula do i have to use to build such a column?

I mean a column in your destination table that uses OpenAI > Complete Chat.