Hello, Im trying to create a choice component based on the miracle method (which has a helper table, in my case upto 40 rows)
However the choice component (im using radio buttons)
Shows all rows, I have a problem where multiple items in the choice have the same value so it removes the dupes. Therefore I use a new Value column which includes the Array number as well as the original value
But i still suffer with the above. Any thoughts?
To add, this does work if i use the json which is just the item name. But i also need to inform the user of the price. Which is the number at the end
Hi @Lewis_Parker
First you can filter your choice component list to remove the displays as that are empty.
Then If you want to keep your dupes in the choice list, best practice is to refer the value to a unique key like a row id column and set the display as to the right column.
Beat me to it! These 2 suggestions are best practice.
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