Change overall app background color css

Is it possible to change the app overall color that will affect both top bar and the bottom one and the background white color

You can change the apps accent color in the app settings. If you want background colors elsewhere, you can add a container component, put all of your components in that container, and then change the background for the container. If you want a color as the background for that container, there are some default options, but you can also add an Image From Color column in your table and use that as the background for the container.

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I need it to have #f4f8ff as the background color of the app instead of the white color

OK, so do as I said above and create an Image From Color column in your table, set it to that hex code, and then use it for the background of a Container Component.

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How about the side bar

Sounds like you want to change the accent color for you app. Like I said above, you can change that in the app appearance settings.

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Not really I just want to change the white color not ascent of the app as I have mint green as the ascent. But needed to change the white background color to the hex

I mentioned the options that are available natively. The accent color and the container color. Beyond that you can maybe use some CSS if you have a business plan.

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Sure am on business plan. Guide me through please