Change in my app doesn't appear in my glide table


Since a few month now, when I add a product in my app, it doesn’t appear in my glide table. It’s like the syncronisation with the app and the glide table doesn’t works.

I’m with the free version of glide.

Do someone have the same problem as me?


You said you are using a Glide Table as a data source? And what you see in the layout, whether in the layout editor or the live app, does not correspond to what you see in the Glide Table in the data editor?

My first question would be if you are viewing the data editor with the same user as the layout editor or live app? Any chance that you are using user-specific columns and that you are viewing as different users?

If you are on a Legacy free plan - you may have also reached your row limit (which is only 500 for the Legacy Free plan)… If your app is not connected to any third party data sources, like google sheet or airtable, I would suggest to create a new team with the New Free Plan, duplicate your app and send it to the New Team. See if your app will work there, because the New Free plan has 25 000 rows limit… But please, first check the differences between Legacy Free and the New Free plans… there are a few that may make or brake a deal for you.

Hello nathanaelb,

  • Yes I use a glide table as a data source.

  • What I see in the data editor match with the layout editor but not with the live app.

  • Yes It’s the same user on the data/layout editor and live app

  • No any chance I made verification.

To better understand, i take some pictures

As you see on the data/layout editor it miss some drinks compare to the live app(coca cherry, coca cola, ice tea…)

Those drink were added from the live app directly. When added there is no problem. They appears on the data/layout editor but after a few days they disapear from the data/layout editor.

When I tried to resolve the problem, i saw that when I modify the picture of the drinks from the live app, the drink reappear in the data/layout editor. It disapear a few day later.

I’m on the legacy free plan, i respects the 500 rows.


Hello Nataliya_Kovaleva

  • Yes I’m on the legacy free plan and I respect the 500 rows.

I think its worth to try the new free plan.



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How close are you to the limit of 500 rows? You can see this in the dashboard of the team in the usage section.

I’m at 340 rows