Team ID:
and also E3C9mU7I4xWLDm44Yqw4
App ID:
Support link
I have been trying to enable unlimited updates. I press the button to enable, it says enabled, if I click anywhere else or refresh the page it is no longer enabled.
See video of endless loop!: Watch - Screencastify
It is not the browser - same issue in both Chrome and Edge. It does appear to be linked to the app because I needed to be able to use this app URGENTLY so created a new team, upgraded to Maker (costing the non profit I’m doing this for another $60), enabled unlimited updates, refreshed and it was still working, so moved the app I was already having issues with to the new team - and the unlimited updates disappeared again.
Yes it is Ye Olde Classic App and yes I know I need to do something about that but I have other teams with Classic apps that this is not an issue for.
Have tried to contact support and got told the team will be back online on Tuesday!