Can't enable unlimited updates?

Team ID:
and also E3C9mU7I4xWLDm44Yqw4

App ID:
Support link

I have been trying to enable unlimited updates. I press the button to enable, it says enabled, if I click anywhere else or refresh the page it is no longer enabled.

See video of endless loop!: Watch - Screencastify

It is not the browser - same issue in both Chrome and Edge. It does appear to be linked to the app because I needed to be able to use this app URGENTLY so created a new team, upgraded to Maker (costing the non profit I’m doing this for another $60), enabled unlimited updates, refreshed and it was still working, so moved the app I was already having issues with to the new team - and the unlimited updates disappeared again.

Yes it is Ye Olde Classic App and yes I know I need to do something about that but I have other teams with Classic apps that this is not an issue for.

Have tried to contact support and got told the team will be back online on Tuesday!

This thread has been escalated. Support will follow up via the Messenger in the Builder or through email.

Best practices when escalating issues to support

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Thank you for raising this issue — There was a problem with the “Enable (unlimited usage)” button that prevented it from working properly — this has since been resolved and is back to working as expected.

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