Hey there,
I tried all to access glide with a google Account but i still get this error.
Which plan are you on? Would you consider that a personal or business email address?
I still do not have any paid plan. I am just testing it
Free and Maker plans only allow personal user emails to sign in.
Thanks for your answer.
Wtf okay that is weird. I am happy that i not bought a plan, then I will use Flutterflow
Is it possible to login without an E-Mail?
How would that work? What would you sign in with?
With an username and password
No, Glide doesn’t support it.
So there is no way to use my software with business E-Mails?
I am building a client portal with just 3 Users. 100€ a month is a lot for this usecase
The E-Mails are not from big businesses, from freelancers with a google workspace…
If you want to pay less than our Team plan, your users will have to sign in with personal emails. That’s the tradeoff!