Hi – My app uses the Calendar view. I noticed today (March 1st, 2024) that any of my pre-2024 data is not rendering in this Calendar view. My Google Sheets back-end seems to be fine (i.e., data from 2023 still exists in the “database”). Any ideas on what might be the cause? Thank you.
Do you typically view dates as Day first or Month first?
How are dates getting filled in the google sheet?
Thanks, Jeff. On closer inspection, the cut off is not the end of 2023. It’s actually Jan 30th, 2024. Records on that date or prior do not appear in the Calendar view. In Google Sheets, there is no obvious change in the date capture format that I can discern. To answer your question, they are captured as MM/DD/YYYY as DateTime. I’ll add a screen capture of the Sheets data so you can see directly. I’ve highlighted the records that do render in the Calendar view so you can see where the “cutoff” occurs.
How do the dates render in the Glide data editor? Do you see those older rows in the data editor? Do you have any sort of filters set up on the calendar collection?
Hi Jeff – You nailed it. The app has a dynamic filter which I had forgotten about. Thanks so much for your help!
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