Ok I think I cracked it. How to get instant notification when a user buys something using Stripe (caveat: you need to have an App with a Google sheet).
- When the User completes the sign in process I add a row to Glide Table called BUY.
- I set columns in this new row with all of the info needed to buy an item (description, price, image, etc…) plus some USER ID data (Row ID from the user sheet).
- When the user enters the shop screen I show an in-line list that reads the data in the BUY table and presents the items that can be bought. Importantly this list is filtered by the current user using the USER ID column.
- If the user wishes to view the item then they tap the item in the list, which has the action to Show details screen for this item.
- The next screen is then beautifully focused on the current user. A buy button can be added to the screen, which crucially will use the USER ID as the Product Description (SKU).
- When the user buys the item, the product description - aka the USER ID - will be received by Stripe and the wonderful thing is that STRIPE passes this back to Glide pending a successful transaction (into a Google sheet)
- ThinDinh helped me clone the hidden Google sheet (see above thread)… I have a Google sheet called SALES RECORDS.
- Now my app can access all the sales data and filter by user. Hence, after purchase the User hits back key and the previous screen will now display an updated list of Purchase transactions using an in-line list that reads the SALES records (filtered for the current user and sorted Z-A by sheet order).
In my App there is only 1 thing to buy: Credits. I can simply count the number of credits bought and track via simple accounting if they have credits left to access features.
Thanks for everyone’s help!