Bulk column update

I have a page displaying checked items … is there a way to bulk update a certain column with a value for all the items checked ?

See if the If-Then-Else column would work for your use case.

Unless the list is static and you can brute force a combo action to set the check value to true in multiple set columns actions for multiple rows, then I don’t think there’s a straightforward way.

@ThinhDinh how do you do that ?

It will work only if the list is fixed… you can make multiple custom actions to set columns, if not, then use logic columns to set them (it will not be a static value), if your data is in google sheets… you can use a script… if you are familiar with JSON files… you can use the Java column to modify content.

Uzo is spot on regarding my method, but that’s why it only works with fixed list but it can’t scale well.