Bug on profile screen

Link to screen isn’t working. Independent screen configuration per item for details isn’t showing Independent configuration.

Can anyone got this?

Hey Brice could you explain in a little more detail? Perhaps share some screen shots so we may better understand the problem.

Hello @Eric_Penn!
Hope you know what i called profile screen.
Look at this.

The button uses Link to screen action. It works on Glide Builder but not on the app. I tried for two apps with the same issue. For inline list, independent screen configuration per item for details isn’t showing Independent configuration.

You can try one of your apps.

Hmmm interesting. I could confirm it works in the builder and not in a live app. Perhaps it’s a limitation of the profile screen you and I are unaware of or maybe a bug after all. @Jeff_Hager @ThinhDinh comments?

I haven’t had the time to test but if you experience the same behaviour then it needs Glide team’s attention.