Bug editing Column Name - types only a character at once (Data Editor)

Types only a character at once, it flashes, and I gotta click in the Name field to continue editing



When I try to do it in Data tab, it’s ok by now.

I was having the same issue. My workaround…

  • Fill out the new column without a label and save it.

  • Now click edit and change the label

:crazy_face: :partying_face: :tropical_drink:

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Have you guys had problems with dropdown of columns showing only one column at a time? It has bugged me all day today.

Not yet by now

Had the same issue yesterday as well. I was able to work around it by either typing my column title somewhere else then pasting it in or, occasionally (because it didn’t work every time), choosing the column type first then typing the title in.

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Also seeing this

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Keep it to yourself or everyone will want one! :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hey @Darren_Murphy I’m not greedy. You can have mine xxx

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