Bizarre action row behavior

Title: Issue with Checkbox Toggling in Custom List Using Action Rows

Hello everyone,

I’m working on a Glide app and have encountered a glitch that I’m hoping to get some insight on. I’ve designed a custom list to feature a set of action rows, aiming to utilize these rows for creating interactive checkboxes. My goal was for each item in the list to have an actionable element, allowing users to tap on it to toggle a checkbox on and off. Additionally, I wanted to incorporate a button icon within the action row that, when tapped, redirects users to a specific screen—in this case, a workout screen.

The setup works as intended with one catch: the checkbox toggling feature only functions correctly when there are more than one button actions programmed within the action row. Ideally, I need just one button action for the user flow I envisioned. However, to work around the glitch, I’ve added a second button programmed to perform no action. Surprisingly, with this redundant button present, the checkbox toggling works perfectly. But, when I remove the redundant button and revert to having only the necessary one, the toggling feature ceases to work, and only the button action itself is responsive.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions on how to address this? I’m looking for a way to achieve the toggling functionality without the need for a redundant button action.

Attached is an example to illustrate the setup.

Thank you for your insights and help!

Can you show or describe how the toggle action on the button is configured?

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Sure here is a Vimeo recording:

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I think I’m able to reproduce it. What happens if you add another action to the action row and then delete both the greyed out one and the new one… does it work then?

Hmm I’m still able to get the custom collection and action row to have separate actions but it seemed to have a greyed out action for me when I first added the component… maybe it’s something different

I tried your suggestion and it does not help. Adding a button then deleting the greyed out button, then deleting the new button (to leave just 1) breaks the action row action that toggles the check-box. As before, tapping the item opens up a detail screen instead of toggling the check-box.

It’s as if having one button negates the action in the custom collection. Having 2 allows the action in the custom collection. Strange.

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