Theres a difference between glide data and Exported Data
Check Row 32
vs the Exported Data in Excel
and Check Row 33
Theres a difference between glide data and Exported Data
vs the Exported Data in Excel
Are you referring to the displayed Date format?
The selected display format in Glide has no bearing on the exported data. Glide will export the actual datetime value. Then when you import into Excel it will be interpreted and displayed as per your default settings. You should be able to adjust the formatting in Excel to whatever you want.
yeah the date format
but aint the excel format be supposed to be the same data as in glide data?
Tanggal Suspect : 1 January at 5:52
FD/Tanggal Susect : 1 January at 05:52
but when i export into excel
the FD/Tanggal Suspect Stays the same
but the Tanggal Suspect : 1 January at 12:52
its like when i export the data, every time format add 7 hours from the glide datetime.
i already ticked the “Respect Time Zone”, it already shows +7 as supposed as my local timezone, but when exported, it have more additional +7 hrs. thats what confusing when analyzing from excel format data
I’m not familiar with Excel, but perhaps it has its own timezone/locale setting?
I would expect that the data that comes from Glide would be UTC+0.
i thought if we ticked the “Respect Time Zone” it would coume with UTC+7
and the confusing part would be why the Format Date (FD/Tanggal Suspect) would still the same as in the displayed Glide Data but not the Datetime (Tanggal Suspect)
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