Problem with dates when uploading database

When I load a database with dates it completely changes them, not only year but also month and day. I’ve checked and they have the same format as used in the app. Is anyone else experiencing this issue as well?

I think @Darren_Murphy reported this a few days ago but not sure any updates have been made since then.

Yes, I have some experience with this.

@Alan8a - exactly how are you loading the data? And what format are your dates in? Can you provide a sample please?

I also having a strange issue as well.

My data is from excel and formatted as 1980-04-05 (yyyy-mm-dd). When I upload

  1. on display it shows 04-04-1980


  1. when I click into the date cell, it shows 05-04-1980 (correctly)


Turning on/off “Respect timezone” makes no difference.

Appreciate any insight.


I’ve downloaded a table from another Glide app and imported it. The dates when downloading look like this, however when checking the dates actually submitted most of them en un being dates that haven’t even ocurred yet, like november 2024 or december 2025.
Captura de Pantalla 2024-04-17 a la(s) 23.39.36

Thank you, appreciate the reply

Before importing them, try reformatting them as ISO8601 datetime strings:


So, taking your first example, it would be:


I’ll try that and let you know thank you

I had reformatted to suggested but still the same error as I highlighted. I think this is a bug that needs someone at Glide to look at. How do I raise a support? or there is someone looking at the bug?

I have an open ticket, although the issues I’ve had are slightly different. In your case, the date is off by one, yes?

It looks like it may be applying your local UTC offset when importing the dates. Try it using the following:


The Z on the end should force Glide to use the date/time as presented without applying any offset correction.

it still does not display properly. it is as I had described with photos before. When I click into the cell, the date is correct. But when you exit the cell, it reads a day behind. In the if-then-else column, it shows the correct date.

In the same file, I have another 2 columns of dates which is in format of dd/mm/yyyy and they are imported ok. However, these columns, for whatever reasons, I cannot reformat in excel.

If-then-else column?

I don’t know anything about Excel, sorry.
Another thing you can do is convert to ODS format, and import that. I’ve been told that using ODS for imports is more reliable than other formats.

ODS does not work either.

Seems only way is to format as yyyy-mm-dd and then add 1 day and then import. Really awkward way to do it.