Hello. I have a problem with the Glide database. When I import data into the Glide database from Excel, the time in the datetime column is shifted 3 hours back. How to turn it off? I need my exact numbers! The tick of time zones does not help. Thanks in advance for the hint.
What does the raw data look like in the Excel sheet, without any formatting in the date column?
Thanks for answering.
screenshot from excel (no formatting)
screenshot from Glide after importing from Excel
I’m not sure what could be happening. I’m guessing it’s basing something off of GMT time if you happen to be 3 hours away from GMT. But, the fact that the minutes are off too seems odd.
When will Glide be able to fix this? My project is suffering.
So by importing, you mean that you have imported this to a Glide Table? Did you use a xlsx file or a csv file?
Yes, I have imported the xlsx file into Glide’s internal database. I do this several times a day. I’m developing a simple claim service. The API has not yet been connected.
I would try submitting a ticket to see if Glide has something to say about it.
Is your Glide Table’s datetime column using “respect time zones”? If yes, what happens when you turn that off?
The tick from time zones is not active BUT I tried it in different ways, to no avail.
Well I have nothing more to say. Please submit a ticket so the Glide team can dive deeper into the problem. Thank you.
I’ve run into this too - very frustrating! I’m using Google Sheets, not Excel. One workaround I’ve found is to import the date column to a text column in Glide Tables, then edit the column to turn it into a Date & Time column. This prevents the unwanted time zone correction.