App Wont Load. Web Server is Down!

App Wont Load, getting Web Server is Down error message.
See attached screenshot.




Yowser. We went live Sunday. This is bad timing…

Thanks for the quick update, I just came to post the same thing. Not sure what that attack is but hopefully it’s not too serious :slightly_frowning_face:

Check the status here

We’ve stopped the attack and everything is coming back.

We’ll share more info once we understand what happened.


Much Appreciated!!!

My app doesn’t load at all.

@Connor_Finlayson when did you configure this custom domain? Can you give me a team and app id?

We cannot find that domain attached to any app.

Like a year ago. Worked fine yesterday. A bunch of stuff seems disconnected like it switched to autopublish (from manual publish), it appears I was on a free plan, the app was no longer whitelabelled.

App id: RJi5u1doiR0QgPlWRBFi
Team: 4LFFTKf1m3dmFPK66wEi

The custom domain was disconnected. I re-added it.

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