
What happens if I clear all rows from this sheet? Can I do this periodically? Do those rows count against the 500 limit?
Will users have to obtain a new pin?

  • What happens if I clear all rows from this sheet? Can I do this periodically?
    I am not sure, so I will let Glide team provides an answer.

  • Do those rows count against the 500 limit?
    No, they don’t. As for other “internal” tabs (comments, chat, sales)

  • Will users have to obtain a new pin?
    Not sure…
    But users appearing in the login tab may be required to provide a new pin, for example if they clear their device cache, or reinstall the app.
    The pin mechanism is more about a one shot authentication process. Ask for a new pin is more secure than ask for only one pin code.

The app:logins sheet is just a log of when users signed in using a pin. You can clear it and it will have no effect on the app. It’s only there for reference and will not force the user to sign in again. Some things like sign in and comments are handled on Glide servers, but they provide the sheets to us so we have them for reference.


The only rows that count against your 500 limit are ones that are visible in the app. (Sheets that are located in “hidden tabs” do not count against your 500)

Can I reset the name/email address/pin on the chat tab? I created the App under our troop name but when I went to test the chat feature, not thinking, I put my name and address and not our troops. Thank you.

You can reset / delete, yep

If you are using the Chat Tab, the if you have something in the hamburger menu at the top left, you can get access to the Sign Out option. This should allow you to sign out of the app and sign in again with the email you want.

If you are using the Comments components, then you can click on the image circle next the to ‘Add comment…’ text. This will allow you to change your name and email, which I think changes the name and email of the signed in user for the entire app.