500 Row Limit - What Counts?

Sorry for the delayed reply, appreciate the responses! Still need a bit of clarity though. Here is the post I referenced when first starting to make my app:

But this isn’t quite true now, correct? I don’t have the users of my app displayed within the app, I only reference them for tab visibility purposes.

@Drearystate thanks for this - sorry to say I actually don’t know what vlookup or hlookup is :grimacing:
(My sheet only has one formula and it’s only to convert emails to lowercase - I copied it from these wonderful forums)
I do have relation columns in my app, my biggest confusion is that I’m very certain my User Profile sheet rows were NOT counting when I first published the app to test it. At that time there was one relation column gathering info into the User Profile sheet from another sheet. However I’ve created a few additional relational columns since then (I’m fuzzy on which ones happened when) Does it matter which direction the relation columns come from? If I have a relation column drawing info FROM the User Profiles sheet, is that when the row count gets activated? Or is it a two-way street and maybe I just encountered a bug where the row counts weren’t updating for me in the moments I was testing it :thinking:

Not at all a dumb question! My sheet in question is a Glide sheet, and it switched from rows not being counted to suddenly being counted :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes, this is the response I’ve seen before. I was looking to define “used” as my Glide sheet which captures login emails and onboarding (none of which is displayed within the app) was not initially being counted, unless that was a temporary bug in the row count tracker. In other words - if a hypothetical Glide user built an app from a sheet with 50 rows but then incredibly acquired 50,000 users of their little app - would their row count then be 50,050? Do all users that are logged to a sheet count as rows?

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