Alternatives to Zapier or Integromat

What’s your desired end result?

Have a no-reply email as the ‘sender email’ in the scenario, but since I already created an email for the app I do not want to create another one. If I add the app email, people might respond to it since it doesnt say no-reply’

What’s the purpose of that email?
Is it for people to use if they want to contact you, or something else?

Yes, to contact me in regards to the app. For feedback in the app, actaully let me look into something. I created the email at first for Google Scripts, but since I am not using that anymore, maybe I can make it an alias then create a seperate no-reply email address.

Yes, that sounds like a good approach.

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Thanks! Seems to be working.

Does Integromat (now allow for time-based triggers in Glide? For example, if a date in a Glide table is earlier than NOW, trigger an action. Thank you

No, you can’t trigger an action from any external source. The only way to trigger an action is when a user does something in the App.


I am trying to get the user to “check in” if they are past due. Can i run a periodic scan of a Glide Table from Make and if a row meets a certain condition, then trigger an action?

Clarification: I am mis-using the word “action.” I mean action in Make. So, Make scans the Glide table, a condition is met, then Make does something else (send an email, etc)

Okay, yes - that is possible.
But in order to “scan” a whole table from Make via the API, you’ll need a Business or Enterprise plan.
Alternatively, if you have a connected Google Sheet, then you could scan the Google Sheet from Make. Or use a timed App Script trigger, which wouldn’t require Make at all.