All elements disappear on my screen

All my content disappeared.
If I am trying to new element it does not show up in the canvas.

Do you have any filters on the tab level? If yes, is the filter making the screen not tying to any rows?

Click here and take a screen shot :point_down:

Also, click here and take a screen shot :point_down:

Hi Darren,

sure. See below. I am having the same issue on the other app i started to build too.

Okay, thanks.
There is nothing that really sticks out at me there.

If you add a new component - say a Hint component - to either screen, does it show up?

I do notice that both screens are attached to tables that use AirTable as a source. I don’t really know much about AirTable, but I’m wondering if that might have something to do with it. What happens if you create a new tab that uses a native Glide Table as the source - do you have the same problem?

Moved this topic here since the original topic has been solved.

It resolved itself - looks like the bug was fixed. Thanks Tech team

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