AI - Text To Texts populates fields but is not read by template field

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  • In the Glide dashoard URL, e.g.

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When I use AI text to text, it places the text in the field, but that text cannot be used to create a template. Text to Number works, but Text to Texts does not.

Screenshot is attached. The data that comes in Text to Texts is not populating the Template field. The Zip Code field Text to Numbers does populate. On row 81 I just deleted the last s in Las Vegas and it populated the field correctly.

  • List the steps, in detail, for recreating the issue.
  • using a workflow to extract Text to Texts data
  • The fields are populating, but the template column is not recognizing the data unless I manipulate it in some way first.
  • Text To Number field is working as expected.

Try “Generate Text” instead of “Text to Texts”

Thank you! That worked. I guess I’d like to kind of know what the difference between those choices are because it seems that they should be the same?

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Actually, it worked but I am getting odd responses now. This is my workflow, I’ve only changed it for one of the conditions so far.

and this is what it is returning:

Text to texts is like to create an array of texts based on a text like a paragraph.

Add your wanted format in the instruction. Else, the AI can’t remember what was the last format it used.

I think this is indeed a bug, I can reproduce it. Initially I thought Glide sees that as an array, but please talk to support to know more and let us know what you got from them.

@glide_help Here’s an issue with Text to Texts.

When using the result of a Text to Text steps that was successfully written to a basic text column, in a JSON object column, Glide sees it as an array.

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Checking with the team on this one! Thanks for flagging @ThinhDinh !

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@ThinhDinh here’s what the team has to say on this one:

Yes, this is intended behavior. Text to Texts result is an array. Similar to Text to JSON.


Is it considered a bug that it’s available to be written to a text column? It indeed caused confusion like this thread.

In my opinion, you should only be able to write arrays to Multiple Files/Multiple Images columns.

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I don’t believe the team views this as a bug, but rather another way to use the column.

It looks to be writing a comma-separated list of values in the text column, which some users may find easier to interact with and display in their apps using a text-based component.

Well it doesn’t work if it doesn’t display the full thing.

:eyes: hmm now I see what you mean! Will investigate!

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