Hi all, I want to add social links to the coaches profiles in my app but not sure how to do it. I would like to display the instagram ,linkedin, twitter icons and when you click on each it will take you to the correct page. I saw this on someone’s app recently but can’t remember whose. Can someone assist me please?
You can insert an inline list on the page where you want to display the social links. On the sheet you will have a column for the icon, the link of the social page e.g. facebook.com/glide etc.
When you click the inline list component, you can choose the display you want for those social links whereby you can have 2/3/4 displayed in a row. Under the features tab, you choose open link for actions when a user clicks the image instead of “view details”.
This tutorial by @ThinhDinh will help you.
thank you @Luther
thanks for sending this along @Pratik_Shah