I finally had the chance to set it up for a very nice app we recently did at https://lowcode.agency for a large organization here in MX called Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE).
It’s a whitelisted app, so there’s not much to see, but you can find it at https://appcce.mx
Anyway, I did a video on how to set up a way to add events from glide to your calendar in any kind of OS. It’s really easy to set it up with add event.
Here’s the link to the video, and I hope the video itself loads up down here.
To embed it you must use the paid tier, but I use AddEvent regularly and it will also generate just a plain url link that you can attach to a button in Glide. It is helpful when setting up an event that registration is not required for.
hey @eltintero I’d love to see what you did with Add Event, but the link to the video seems to be broken. Is there any way you could please repost? many thanks, Sam