Action order of events

I have a simple action with a couple of steps. When I have it in this order, I receive the email but it takes a while for the job to be added to the table.

When I have the email at the end, the job is added right away but the email doesn’t send.

What’s the best order of events here?

I would not put anything after the Go To Tab action. That might be killing off any actions after it. Other than that, order shouldn’t matter too much.

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Thanks Jeff, I just shuffled them around a bit and I think it’s good. Thought maybe there was a logical way to order them, but not putting anything after navigate to tab makes sense.

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I assume this custom action is executed On Submit of a form? If the Set Column action is setting values in the Order Form table after the form is submitted, I would first question why you are doing that instead of adding the appropriate components inside the form so values are set at the moment the row is added instead of afterwards.

That part aside, I think the most logical order is Set Column, Add Row, Send Email, and finally Go to Tab. Just makes the most sense to me, unless I’m misunderstanding what what your actions are doing.

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That’s a reason we should have custom values as an option to fill columns in forms, like what we have in Form Containers.

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