A little help payments

Hi I am using a little help template and I want to setup a system to pay people for helping people and the person asking for help pays a monthly fee. How do I do that? @erwblo

I am pretty far in making a better version of A Little Help, I hope to finish it tomorrow.
I have to think about your question, but for recurring payments have a look at for example PayHere to get some ideas.

I am using square and right now i am using donation but I need to direct money to them then a commission to them. This might be a question to ask square support but I am just throwing this out there.
Donation Link - https://checkout.square.site/merchant/ML8Q7B74RXCSK/checkout/5P6YZCYSZ3K3FJY5DWFNDTCQ

Yeah, best start there (or hope for others here)