If you’re looking for what @ThinhDinh described, then it can be done. To my knowledge you’d have to build your own search column. I did this fix for the Glidegram template on the Search tab. Users can explore random posts, but when they type into the search field, the inline list of profiles appears only if it matches the search criteria.
To do this I did the following steps:
Created a user-specific column called “searchvalue” - this will be the field users type into to search
For the inline list I want to show, in my case userProfiles, I navigate to that tab and pull in the search value using a Single Value Data column.
Then, I create an IFTHEN column to determine if the inline list is “inSearch?” the screenshot is below. You can whatever fields you’d like to be include when searching, but be sure to set is so that if the field contains anything from the “searchValue” column, it appears.
Lastly, I set the visibility of the inline list to appear when the “searchValue” is not empty and filter it so that items only appear if the search matches the criteria set in step 3