Hi All –
Can anyone spot any issues with this Webhook setup on Zapier? I am trying to add a row to a table. I have multiple “edit row” Webhooks with the same configuration – but this is the first to add. I’m getting an HTTP Status Code 400 error. Thank you!!
unflatten: yes
method: POST
url: https://api.glideapp.io/api/function/mutateTables
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{retracted my token}}
data: {
“appID”: “j4yXEoEz0fQFO13ViO0R”,
“mutations”: [
“kind”: “add-row-to-table”,
“tableName”: “native-table-arthkuNHJ42V5nDvhaF6”,
“columnValues”: {
“atdN7”: “03/20/24”,
“41TQl”: “10:15am”,
“Q4xCB”: “Patrick M”,
“KfstR”: “pcm2@example.edu”,
“Aa9vg”: “{{232484362__requestor_phone}}”,
“554AM”: “Patrick M”,
“iVUZi”: “{{232484362__contact_location}}”,
“cPzKc”: “8142276809”,
“RP8v0”: “Customer / Repair Site Location Information:
University of Pittsburgh”,
“FUFA2”: “Scaife Hall”,
“Z6VjE”: “3550 Terrace St, Scaife Hall”,
“ftjnl”: “Pittsburgh, PA, 15213”,
“DqC13”: “Scaife Hall 4th floor main entrance on Terrace St, take elevator to 8th floor,
turn right, enter S864-S879 wing”,
“3SdCw”: “Inside S888”,
“Ni4jC”: “Thermofisher”,
“8OKHZ”: “REL2304A21”,
“ir4nG”: “P12S-127971-PS”,
“tMPxo”: “15+ years”,
“Jjqqy”: “No longer will cool to needed temperature, even after turning off, warming,
and restarting.”,
“1X79J”: “Payment Processing”,
“NXNjo”: “email: invoices@group.com”,
“zN1aK”: “P O Box 3329”,
“uya9I”: “Scranton, PA 18505”,
“cEQhf”: “{{232484362__billing_contact_name}}”,
“WSN4h”: “{{232484362__billing_contact_phone}}”,
“JAntt”: “{{232484362__po}}”