Your Best Practices, Dos & Don'ts for Newbies, pls? Thks šŸ™‚

Hi :cherry_blossom:all
Iā€™m defending my student project thursday 25 afternoon, featuring one last time my Glide prototype and working on the next & last project already, so, sorry if Iā€™m not reactive to your answers, I do read them a little.

Iā€™d like next to share with my app a short list of Best Practices with Glide.
Apart from joining this Community, of course :blush:
Like :

  • The Dos & Donā€™ts youā€™d like to avoid to newbies especially. :triangular_flag_on_post:
  • What you wish so told you before :woman_facepalming:
  • The limits of the free plan & its implications
  • Anything else you can think of
  • Easy plugins or third-party tools

Target readers: newbies who may be less ā€œtechnicalā€ than myself :grin:
Thks :cherry_blossom:& catching up later, after my exam.

Here are a few things off the top of my head:

  • RTFM :wink:
  • Use Column Grouping, it will make your life easier.
  • Devise your own consistent column naming scheme, and stick with it.
  • Find All Uses is your new best friend.
  • Unless youā€™re absolutely certain that youā€™ll never need it, always start a new app with a Google Spreadsheet. Edit: This one is no longer important since Glide added the ability to add a Google Spreadsheet to a project at any time.
  • Learn about Glide Computed Columns. Once you understand how to effectively use them you can start unleashing the true power of Glide.
  • Avoid Spreadsheet formulas like the plague. Let go of them, they are holding you back. Except in a very few cases, you donā€™t need them any more. If you think your formulas are way too complex and canā€™t possibly be done in Glide, refer to previous point :arrow_up:
  • Always use Custom Actions
  • Donā€™t be afraid to ask for help. Everybody has been where you are at some point.
  • Donā€™t be afraid to jump in and answer questions. Helping others find solutions to their problems is a great way to learn. You wonā€™t always get the right answer, but who cares?
  • Be nice to others.
  • RTFM :wink:

Iā€™m sure I could think of a lot more, but that will do for now :slight_smile:


Same as @Darren_Murphy.

I may add: start with drawing your ā€œtables schemeā€ on the paper to clearly identify your needs

  • tabs
  • fields per tabs

@Darren_Murphy & @AyS_0908
Thks, guys :cherry_blossom:
Iā€™ll let you know when Iā€™ll share those tips in a kinda list (once translated in French) in my prototype next month, with a mention like ā€œpowered by Glideā€™s Intā€™l Community Expertsā€ :wink:
If itā€™s OK for you?
It will be updated little by little.
The English Intā€™l prototype will come later in 2022.

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This one is less important now that we can add sheets after the fact.


Such a good list.


Darrenā€™s list could be pinned or highlighted somewhere.

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My basic and useful advice is structure, sort and relate your tables on a paper on your desktop before starting your development.

Itā€™s is called Database Normalization when you work with DBMS formally. A better explanation about this concept can be read here:


I heard @Mark say something very profound and it stuck with me.

Itā€™s always best to get something working first and then later you can optimize. Shooting for the best version on your first attempt can lead to troublesā€¦ something like that :wink:

I see this one a lot:
A form will add a new row to your sheet. Thatā€™s itā€™s purpose, to add a new row. Do not use an add row action on submit in your form. This will cause two rows to be added to your sheet, not one.

For when space bar wonā€™t cut it

Great for working with images. Easily create transparent images


Thatā€™s the very principle of an MVP in a Lean Prototype Cycle: you build as quickly as possible the minimum features that can bring the highest value to the final target (users, customers) to get their feedbacks and iterate to test, learn, build again until theyā€™re happy and youā€™ve found a fit together.
But you still need to anticipate enough for maintenance, quality & of course scope & scaling potentials. So as not to lose the time later you first had the illusion to have spared at the beginning.
Preparation is often better than ā€œimprovisationā€. Even if the more you know, the smarter & knowledgeable you ā€œimproviseā€.


phew! The topic is still open!
I have time to integrate these best practices in my app.