Why do you use Glide nowadays? πŸ’¬

Tell us why you use Glide nowadays

Choose up to 3 options.

  • I run a small/medium business and I am creating an app to improve some internal/external process
  • I work for a small/medium business and I’m creating an app to improve some internal/external process
  • I have programming knowledge, I got to know Glide and got interested in NoCode
  • I’m from the design/project management area, I met Glide and I am creating an app to improve some internal/external process
  • I didn’t come from any of those areas, I met by chance and I am creating an app to improve my skills
  • I have an idea and I’m using Glide to get my idea off the ground with an MVP
  • I started by creating some apps, but today I have a development agency/I develop on my own for other companies/people.
0 voters

Neat! Can regular forum users create polls, too?

I guess it’s possible @David_Gabler

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