Why can't I write data to a relation/link column with a form?

Hi everyone,

So I have a form where I am gathering reviews of a dish.
I am using Airtable as my DB and I have three tables, one with users, one with reviews and one with dishes. There are relations between them.

I am trying to populate my review table with the following info through a form:

  • Star rating
  • User review
  • User name
  • Dish

The review table looks like this:

The problem I have is that Glide doesn’t allow me to send data from the form to columns User name (formula) or Dishes (relation/link).

I would love to understand why and see if there is a solution to this.


to review your dish… you need to be at the dishes table in that dish row… then you can get values from the screen columns, in your case row ID, and dish name… then from the User, profile screen get he’s name and email… add the current time… that’s all
If for some reason you can’t create a form from that dish row… then you have to create relations to that dish and use the On Submit action.

Hey @Danimirror.

No you can’t write directly to formulas or relations. You can write to basic columns and manage the data from there. Hope that helps!

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