Where can I find info on the size (MB) of each app on my dashboard?

Hi Guys!
Is there a way to see the size of each app in my folder? Under usage I am only seeing the number of rows but not the actual size in KB or MB.

Thanks for your help.

Do you mean the size of files that has been uploaded to the app, or the total amount of data that a device has to download to use the app?

uploaded to the app as per the limits outlined here:

I see the total MB used but not the size for each app on my dashboard…
or is it that the size shown below only applies to my published app?


I don’t think it’s available per app. Might be worth submitting a request.

Also seems like you’re referencing a very old pricing page there. This is the latest one.


oh excellent. Thanks for the updated info!

I guess I’ll request the breakdown. thanks @ThinhDinh

As far as I know, file size is considered collectively within one team. The same file used across applications will still be counted as one file. Therefore, no breakdown is performed.

ok, but what about the case where the apps use different files (different data tables)?

The calculation of uploaded file sizes is based on the URLs used within one team, not per table. Files will be deleted after a certain period if the URLs are no longer used in your application.
If you use links from external sources, this will not be counted in Glide.

hmm… I’m seeing stars now. How do we monitor and manage this? lol

There is no way to manage it yet, just keep an eye on the number from your file storage. Hahaha…

So we can’t yet make *informed decisions like deleting certain apps or tables within the team to keep our storage within the limits?

You don’t need to delete the application or table, just the URL of your file. And I haven’t tried whether this action will directly reduce its size.

where is this URL? Is there a Glide course/video that explains this so I can understand how the glide URL system of storage works? lol

Every time you upload a file using the file-picker or image picker component to a specific column, it will return as a URL that is stored in Glide’s cloud. You just need to delete that URL.

ok, you’re gonna have to go slow with me here, lol… seeing that all of my URLs are connected to my data in my Glide table, is this not the same as deleting my data? :smiling_face_with_tear:
So do you mean that deleting the apps or tables would not remove any of the URLs on the cloud?

Why should you delete your application or table just for file storage issues? The file storage size you see on the dashboard is the total of files you uploaded using the file-picker or image-picker components. These files are stored in Glide’s cloud. You cannot manage the contents inside Glide’s cloud. Glide only provides URLs to view/download your files.
If you delete those URLs from your table/application, Glide will detect that the URL is no longer used after a period and will delete it automatically.
Differentiate from other URLs, such as those from Google Drive, which means they are not stored in Glide’s cloud, and Glide does not count them towards your usage.

To answer the question of why delete… I have a number of test apps - I test app layouts, features, etc. to see what I can use on my published app.
At the moment, based on my usage, I can actually survive on the free plan but as my published app grows, I would like to determine whether I can clear space to keep my storage use within certain thresholds.

nb. I am currently subscribed to a maker plan for a free public app that has only visitors and uses less than 500 MB of storage. I want to make informed decisions so that I don’t spend unnecessarily and I also want to plan for the future.

I’m not sure about the calculation mechanism, whether it counts for unpublished applications or not. You can test it by uploading a fairly large file and then deleting it afterward.
By deleting your application, the URLs will also be deleted. However, if it turns out that the URL is the same as the one used in another application, it will not reduce the count either (assuming your application is a duplicate).

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ok. I’ll test it out, thanks!

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