WhatsApp notifications

Yeah this happens sometimes, could you try reloading the page and scanning again? Also while it shows “will retry again” go in create message and try testing out a message. I have seen it work like that for some people.

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Hi Manan,
When I scan the QR code, nothing happens. It shows a QR code with lot of characters. What should I do next? OR what should be happening when I scan the QR code?

Ok. Got it. I have to scan this QR code using the Whatsapp Web from Whatsapp on phone. Thanks! Its working now.

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Perfect! Where are you located?
I just want to understand all the countries this worked in.

I am in Malaysia. I have another question. When I log in through whatsapp web to this tool, do I have to be logged in to this tool through Whatsapp all the time in order for this to work?

Wow you are in a safe place between this pandemic!
Yes. You will not be able to use Whatsapp web if you want to use this. Whatsapp allows only 1 device at a time on Whatsapp web.

Yes, it’s bit safe for now. So, for the app to work, I have to be logged into this tool through Whatsapp Web all the time? What will happen if I am not logged in, and some user uses the app like your app. Will they not receive the notification?

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Yes exactly. They will receive the message later when you login again on the tool. In my case, I have a business number which is always logged into the tool and I don’t use it on whatsapp web elsewhere.

Ok. Got it. Thanks for the help. This is awesome.

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Is there a way to send message to a user when the user fills the form on the app, and at the same time, I as the owner of the app also get a message notification on Whatsapp?

Ok. Got it. I added another line of code with the API URL with my mobile number, and each time, it sends a message to me as well.


Thanks for your answer. I made a new message in the messageautosender and it arrived. However, it does not work with the app yet. After the reload there is still Will retry again… Probably works, otherwise I wouldn’t have received a message. I inserted the script and created the trigger. And in the Google Sheet the message appears: Sent. I do not know what to do… xD

(One more little info, in the Google Sheet does not show me the timestamp of the received data. Maybe this gives you an idea.)

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Hi Manan, very cool tool!
Is there a way to send a “broadcast” to a list using this script?

Yes there is but it’s something that’s not recommended because it could lead to your number being blocked if a lot of your receivers report/block your number.

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I suppose the phone needs to stay connected to the internet to enable the sending of messages?



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@Manan_Mehta This sounds very cool, and definitely a feature I would love to have on my apps. However, I tried the https://whatsapp.glideapp.io/ and didn’t work. Is this still supposed to work?

If so, I would be interested in getting your professional help on this :slight_smile:

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The automation on my app is shut currently so you wouldn’t receive the whatsapp message. If somebody wants to test it out, you can DM me.

Do you know a way to send multi messages on whatsapp to contacts in glide app?