Maybe not exactly the same scenario, but I’ve ran into issues deleting rows through a relation as part of a custom action… if the relation is empty and there is nothing to delete, then the rest of the action chain fails, so I 've had to use multiple conditions with duplicates actions to account for those scenarios.
I perform some actions through a Single Relation, such as a Set Column Action. This action is among other actions in a custom action that sets some values in the current row as well at rows in other tables before executing a Show Detail Screen action. I noticed that the button completely disappears if one of the single relations are empty. If there are no matches in the relations, then there is nothing that to needs to be set, but there is no reason why the rest of the action sequence can’t continue to run. I still need those other actions to occur but the button completely disappears. Short of breaking a single IF branch in the custom action into 3 or 4 separate branches to account for every possible scenario, I see no reason why the entire button needs to be disabled. This was not an issue in classic apps. I did the same thing and the button still worked as expected. This is only an issue introduced with New Apps.
Notice the highlighted actions. The relations for those actions may or may not be empty. If they are empty, who cares…the rest of the action sequence should work, so there is no reason to hide the button that calls this custom action. I’ll have to add 3 extra branches just to account for the times that one or both of the relations are empty and duplicate a lot of logic.