What are most common features in apps?

We’re currently doing some research for a new course. What are the major patterns/functionality you see in the apps you build for clients? What would you add to this list?

  • Dashboard, Metrics & Reporting
  • Customer Portals
  • Tasks & projects
  • Scheduling/booking
  • Inventory management
  • Directories, info & lookups
  • Wiki/handbooks
  • LMS & courses
  • Multiple categories
  • Creating a basket or playlist
  • Community interaction / team collaboration
  • Paid / tiered access to content library
  • Review & approvals



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All that you mentioned are very common and much requested by the vast majority. In addition to these I’d add:

  • Custom cart with a third payment method.

Tracking the completion of various organization-wide tasks, like a new training course for example. An app that quickly captures the employee’s name, date of completion, course they completed, and their department is extremely useful. With Glide’s ability to sort and relate items together so easily, these apps can very quickly be used to see which department’s staff have completed the most items, which department head needs to follow up with their staff (who haven’t completed items in a timely manner), and overall reporting/charting to demonstrate the number of staff who have completed the course(s). I find Glide extremely useful when capturing this information.


Dashboards, metrics & reporting
Subscriptions for gated content
Multiple categories
Multiple filtering
A proper in-app 1:1 chat

  • Dashboard, Metrics & Reporting !!!

Then way behind are:

  • Community interaction / team collaboration
  • Scheduling/booking
  • Tasks & projects

PS - this should just be an option with Glide providing privacy/compliance audited tier.

  • Paid / tiered access to content library


  • Logging, logging, logging

Enable tracking of changes to tables via set col() / add-row() plus Glide database snapshots guaranteed.

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