GlideReport-GPT for Glide Data

I like how Glide has added component AI for simplifying complex UI objects, but what I really would like is Glide to enable reporting via a generative query capability.

Something like this:

How many meetings scheduled in the last quarter.
Show details
Apple, Glide, Meta, Clay, …
How many are upcoming in the next two weeks?
Show details
Disney, Sony, Illumina, Meta
How many have been completed versus canceled.
4 completed, 1 canceled
How many were set by Partners versus my SDR?
6 partners, 4 SDR
Show as a pie chart.
(use your imagination)
Compare completed meeting this quarter versus last quarter?
24 last quarter - 10 this quarter

And Glide automatically builds each of these reports.

Too futuristic or coming next week?


You need to vote on your own post!

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