Well hello Glide. Thoughts after a first date

Hello, Glide community.

I’m struck by how active and supportive everyone is here. Very cool.

I run a mid-sized agency and my team has been incessant in making the case for adding Glide to our stack.

We love our clients and work hard to bring them the best. I’m impressed by Glide’s flexibility but have concerns when simple features seem to be missing or possibly overlooked.

We’re not in a position to spend hours negotiating workarounds. That comes at a cost. We’ll leverage Glide when/where it makes sense and feel comfortable it can hold up to our needs.

My trepidation stems from reading several well-informed viewpoints regarding the product’s direction and posts voicing frustrations that have gone unacknowledged.

Alas, it’s another smoke-filled day in NorCal so I spent 2 hours reading through more posts. To trial Glide, I’m building my wife an appointment app for her real estate business. She doesn’t need one but it seemed like a good candidate use case.

Ouch. All things date and time-related need some attention. To begin:

In a form, why is NOW the only default offered for a Date Time component? That NOW value is static. The value is loaded with the form and doesn’t auto-update. So really, once the form is submitted, that Date-Time value is already in the past.

Why not round the time to the nearest 15-minute interval, (a la Google Cal)?

When a prospect sets up a consult with her, I need to ensure that the Date-Time is not in the past (NOW becomes useless). Equally, a meeting end time of NOW serves no purpose. IF/THEN/ELSE doesn’t help me overcome that without the equivalent of a NOW() function in Glide.

I need the ability to set a requirement for start and end times, e.g.:

  • NOW plus Xhrs
  • Date-Time on or after NOW.

Such a simple example. Scheduling functionalities are very common in apps we deploy for clients. I was hoping my experiments would lead to me somewhere more definitive.

Open to feedback.


They roll out the default values pretty recently, so I expect some updates in the future regarding this.

Dealing with time variables has never been easy, and from what I gather through a year here, both developers and Glide’s side has some difficulties working with them. It can be different timezones, time formats, calculation with time, etc.

As a person who has rolled out a big scheduling app for a Logistics company, I do hope Glide can improve on this and believe they can, but that’s not an easy task. I have to make a lot of workarounds in my app and understand it would be hard to do from scratch.

Also, welcome to the community, we’re active here and will try to help when you need us.


Appreciate your input @ThinhDinh!
You mean a year using Glide or working with? The team has difficulties working with dates???
We take on some micro-fulfillment/logistics projects but they’re not good candidates for nocode, yet.
I’ll need to rethink my “starter” project then. Something more simple I suppose :wink:

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Welcome, @SnorkelDepth!

We are trying to improve date calculation abilities.


I’ve been using Glide and have a career based on Glide by now :smile:


Thanks @David!
Excellent. Is the Updates page on the marketing site serving as your feature hub/roadmap?

great to see the platform enabling that! Couple of quick ones for you then:

  • have you figured out how to make checking one checkbox component uncheck the other? (no 2 checked at once)

  • best practice for using blank sheets for detail views? Do you advise against pointing more than one tab to the same blank sheet?

I’ll admit, Glide is a bit of a puzzle. Part of the appeal I think.

This page is a summary of the important features we have shipped. We only started this public log recently.

We don’t have a public roadmap but we do have a feature requests app. https://features.staging.glideapp.io/


ah! Thanks @JackVaughan. Did come across this and was surprised that it required a login. Maybe roadmap is not the right concept here but something less nebulous.